
A Magical Font File Separating Script

Published May 25, 2024 by John Choura

Hello, typophiles! Have you ever been overwhelmed by a sea of font folders with combined .ttf, .woff2, and .otf files? Ever wished for a magic solution that could neatly organize them? Well, your wish has been granted! Introducing the Font File Separatornator (cue infomercial music) – the script you didn't realize you needed, but now can't live without.

Installing fonts is a routine task when working on a design project or setting up a new computer. It often involves navigating through various font families, weights, and mixed files, which can involve time-consuming manual labor. To make this process more efficient, I created this magical script script. The Font File Separatornator is designed to rescue you from the chaos of mixed-up font files and bring order to your digital life.

How to Use This Marvelous Script

Step 1: Grab the Goods

First things first, head over to the GitHub repo and download the latest and greatest version of

Step 2: Place It with Love

Once you’ve got the script, place it in your directory of choice. Anywhere you want. It’s flexible like that.


Step 3: Open a Terminal (Cue Dramatic Music)

Navigate to your folder of destiny using your terminal. If you don’t know how to open a terminal, we might need to have a different conversation.


Step 4: Command Your Script

Here’s where the magic happens. Give your script permission to run:

chmod +x

Then, let it do its thing:


Step 5: Bask in the Glory of Organized Fonts

Voila! Your fonts are now beautifully organized into folders.

And the best part? You can run this script over and over without worrying about duplicates. It’s like magic, but better.

The Font File Separatornator currently supports .woff2, .ttf, and .otf files.

I wrote this script to make my life easier and hope that it will do the same for others.So go ahead, give it a spin, and enjoy the newfound order in your font universe.

Feel free to contribute to the open sourced code, to make it better for everyone or add any other fun details you think of!
